Crown Chakra – Sahaswara


The seventh chakra, Sahaswara, is known as the thousand-petal lotus Chakra. This is the top chakra of the seven and located at the crown of the head. Sahaswara is our source of enlightenment and spiritual connection to all that is. It is a connection to our higher selves, to every being on the planet, and ultimately the divine energy that creates everything in the universe.
True opening of Sahaswara means the realization that you are pure awareness. You are pure consciousness, undivided, and all expansive. Like a drop in the ocean, you are a part of that ocean that contains and encompasses every aspect of it . Consequently, when you have a desire to learn more about spirituality, destiny, meditation, energy work, opening your Crown Chakra will enhance your experience and open you up to more possibilities than previously thought possible. It broadens your way of thinking and can shift how you view the world and your place in it.

Healing and Re-balancing your Crown Chakra

Practicing meditation, prayer, and daily silence are disciplines that lead to increased moments of spiritual connection. In fact, these are the only means by which you will experience the essence of the Crown Chakra. Just as you would go to school for hours a day and study for exams to obtain a degree, meditation, prayer, and silence are your studies to obtain a spiritual degree.
Once you’ve established a daily practice of these activities that connect you to universal consciousness, you will see expansion of spiritual awareness in your outer world. You will begin to experience unconditional love on a consistent basis. You will be more compassionate, kind, and forgiving, and you will show more humility. Life will no longer be solely about you and your desires. Your life will become more about serving others because when you serve others, you are serving yourself.


Two Pranayama breathing techniques you can do before meditation include Nadi Shodhana, or alternate nostril breathing, and Kapalabhati, or the skull shining breath.

Yoga and Chanting

Poses can help to open the Crown Chakra Inverted yoga asanas such as headstand (Salamba Sirsasana) and Down Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) can help stimulate the seventh chakra, as well as any posture that brings the crown of the head to the floor such as Fish pose (Matsyasana).
Please take advise from a Yoga specialist before embarking on such an exercise programme.
A wonderful way to open this fifth Chakra is by chanting, singing, humming, and reading aloud.The mantra sound for this Chakra is OM.

The colour of this Chakra is Violet and also White therefore wearing clothes of this colour or having decor or accessories around you will help to balance this Chakra.
Gemstones for the Crown Chakra are:

Amethyst This crystal is probably the best known for aiding the Crown Chakra. It not only opens and purifies this Chakra, but protects against the influence of negative energies and enhances spiritual awareness.
Clear Quartz The best all-around crystal, Clear Quartz cleanses your energy body and amplifies all other crystal and healing work you do. Because of its ability to focus and concentrate your thoughts and energies, you can achieve your goals faster with this crystal in your arsenal.

Howlite Emotions are an important aspect of working with the Crown Chakra. Changes in temperament and strong emotional outbursts can occur when you open yourself to spiritual energies, but Howlite will ease you through any releases or necessary self-expressions during this process.
Selenite is well known for clearing toxic energies from the body.It resonates strongly with the Crown Chakra by clearing away negative energy allowing higher vibrations to permeate through your Chakras and aura.
Sugilite – This crystal is wonderful for integrating intuition and spiritual guidance into your daily life. It not only opens the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, but encourages lucid dreaming so you become more spiritually aware at all times.
Lepidolite is a crystal with gentle vibrations. It does not overtly open the Crown Chakra, but works through the subconscious. It is wonderful for staying calm, dealing with transitions, and astral traveling.
Charoite has a very gentle energy that is excellent for introducing beginners to spiritual work. It is an excellent crystal to use while sleeping because it releases old energy patterns while integrating higher vibrational energies into your body.
Rutilated Quartz contains strands inside that perfectly represent how this crystal creates channels for spiritual energy to flow through your body. When aligning chakras and balancing the auric field it enables you to access more intuition and spiritual guidance.
Please see our Gemstone section for products that can assist you with healing and balancing your Crown Chakra.

*Disclaimer: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.