Obsidian Gemstone Information

black obsidian
Black Obsidian

Obsidian, also known as Dragon Glass, is an igneous rock occurring as a natural volcanic glass. It is formed by the rapid cooling of viscous lava from volcanoes. Obsidian is extremely rich in silica (about 65 to 80 percent), is low in water, and has a chemical composition similar to Rhyolite. This gemstone has a glassy lustre and is slightly harder than window glass. Though obsidian is typically jet-black in colour, the presence of Haematite (iron oxide) produces red and brown varieties, and the inclusion of tiny gas bubbles may create a golden sheen. Other types with dark bands or mottling in grey, green, or yellow are also known. https://www.britannica.com/science/obsidian

Variations of Obsidian are:

Apache Tear – also known as Smoky Obsidian or Marekanite, are small, rounded pebbles of Obsidian commonly found in Mexico and the American Southwest, black and opaque in appearance but may be translucent brown when held to the light. They may be smooth and water-worn or have indented surfaces. Traditionally, this variety of Obsidian is said to be formed from the tears of Native American women, mourning for their warriors who died during a battle with the cavalry. This variety is a gentle form of Obsidian that links easily with the emotional body, helping to cleanse and heal old wounds and grievances that are held for a long time, and uncover frozen emotional patterns held below one’s level of awareness. Thought that it may be used as a rescue stone for fear, panic and shock, and is best known for its comfort and support during times of grief and mourning. Apache Tear can be especially consoling for those dealing with grief associated with suicide, and can connect survivors with their loved one who chose to die in order to cope and understand their decision. Apache Tear carries a strong Earth energy that links with the sacred aspects of the physical realm and is a reminder that all frequencies of energy emanate from the Divine and can be sources of spiritual teaching and knowledge. Apache Tear is useful for psychic protection, and can open one to the realms of Nature spirits and other Earth cohabitants from this and other dimensions. Use Apache Tear to stimulate analytical capabilities and to promote a forgiving spirit.

apache tears obsidian
Apache Tears

Black Obsidian – a pure, glossy black that may appear deep brown when light is shined on thin edges. Black Obsidian is a teacher stone and is known as the “Warrior of Truth” stone. It is the most powerful of the Obsidians and is ruled by the planet Pluto. It exposes darker areas of the subconscious to force a person to face one’s true self. It assists in looking at unresolved issues and harmful attitudes that inhibit one’s personal and spiritual growth. A fast worker Black Obsidian be overwhelming as it pushes negative emotions and difficult truths to the surface so they can be experienced and released. It should only be used if one is educated on its power and prepared to withstand the process in order to achieve deep healing. It is best used under the guidance of a qualified therapist or healer, and other, gentler forms of Obsidian may be used for this process. This variety of Obsidian is a stone of of protection, sealing the aura and removing energetic attachments, hooks and cords, as well as eliminating negative energies within the self and one’s environment. This protective shield enables one to go back into past lives for healing and to work on ancestral and family lines. Black Obsidian slabs, mirrors and spheres are excellent scrying tools for meditation, divining insight into the future, inducing creativity, and communicating with souls who have passed over. It is an excellent talisman for self-control, reversing previous misuse of power, and addressing power issues on all levels.

black obsidian

Gold Sheen Obsidian – a black or deep brown Obsidian displaying a golden chatoyance when seen in daylight. Gold Sheen Obsidian shows us what is needed in one’s life for healing although it it does not provide the healing. It does, however, give insight into the paths of action available to bring it about. This gemstone dissolves negativity and purifies the aura, and is particularly useful for clearing blockages of the Solar Plexus Chakra. It is highly effective for exposing and releasing ego conflicts and power abuse. Gold Sheen Obsidian is useful for bringing out one’s hidden talents and to manifest a person’s true calling. It is a favourite with Reiki workers and those advanced in the shamanic and healing arts. As Gold Sheen gets to the root of any problem, it can be worn or carried for all diagnostics work, from medical or psychological, to finding faults in machinery or circuits. It is particularly strong for Earth-healing, and can be used to locate areas of disturbance in the Earth’s energy systems.

golden sheen obsidian
Golden Sheen

Mahogany Obsidian – also called Mountain Mahogany is a combination of jet black and reddish-brown Obsidian. This is due to the high iron content and displays undulating or spotty patterns. Mahogany Obsidian has a gentler frequency than Black Obsidian and is called the “Stone of Closure.” Showing us unconscious memories of shame, humiliation or abuse, it helps one recognise the cycle of dismay caused by others’ insults, disparaging remarks or false accusations. Mahogany Obsidian brings these wounds to the surface to be released into the Light for dissolution and dispels feelings of unworthiness that hold a person back from fulfilling one’s potential in work, love and spiritual awakening. It provides strength in times of need, and revitalises one’s power, drive and initiative. Mahogany Obsidian resonates with the Earth and clears blockages of the Root and Sacral Chakras, providing stability and stimulating the flow of creative energies and full expression of one’s sexuality. When worn as jewellery it is a great stone for women’s spirituality, candle magic, and offerings to Mother Earth. Both sexes may use it to celebrate moving on naturally to the stage in our lives.

mahogany obsidian

Peacock Obsidian – Also known as Velvet Obsidian this gemstone appears black until polished and exposed to bright light, then reveals undulating patterns of red, gold, green, violet, orange and/or blue laid out in complex swirls as if the lava had been vigorously stirred before hardened. This is where Peacock Obsidian varies from Rainbow Obsidian. Peacock Obsidian is the strongest Obsidian for spiritual journeys and is an excellent tool for shamans and those who “walk between worlds.” It is a perfect gemstone for calling one’s ancestors, guides and other helping spirits, and provides a protective shield during magic work, astral travel, and journeys to other earthly realms. It stimulates the Third Eye Chakra, and may be used for lucid dreaming, breath work, guided meditation and other forms of consciousness expansion. Peacock Obsidian is particularly helpful for people who are discovering their intuitive senses for the first time, or sensitives who may have shut down out of fear or feelings of being overwhelmed by the psychic information received. Peacock Obsidian relieves these fears and can assist us to fine-tune our gifts

peacock obsidian

Rainbow Obsidian – also known Heaven Eye, Rainbow Obsidian is a black or deep brown colour with iridescent bands of red, blue, gold, violet and/or green when polished. The coloured layers are caused by refraction of microscopic bubbles and inclusions such as magnetite. Rainbow Obsidian is gentler than Black Obsidian, with strong protective properties. When searching one’s psyche to find the root causes of emotional traumas and distresses, Rainbow Obsidian is an ideal tool with which to do so and to cut ties with the past. It is ideal for dissolving outdated genetic patterns and karma, severing the cords of old love, and releasing hooks that others have left in the heart. Rainbow Obsidian brings hope, light and energy into blocked and stagnant areas of the emotional body, grounding spiritual Light into the aura and physical body. It is thought to be a great support for alleviating depression, mood swings, despair, or paralysing fears. Rainbow Obsidian helps to cleanse and align all chakras, and worn as a pendant absorbs negative energy from the aura, drawing off pain and stress from the physical body. It is considered a “stone of pleasure,” bringing gratification and enjoyment to one’s life, helping one to be optimistic and engaged in the world. Use it for meditation, in stone layout sessions, and as an aid for focus and memory.

rainbow obsidian

Silver Sheen Obsidian – a black or deep brown Obsidian displaying a silver-grey iridescent sheen caused by gas bubbles aligning across the layers during formation. Silver Sheen Obsidian is believed to improves perception, sharpen the senses and intellect, promotes communication to others, and helps keep our personal likes and dislikes from affecting rational decision-making. Adding the mystery of lunar energies Silver Sheen is a perfect tool for gazing, because of its ability to mirror the inner being. It is especially beneficial for a person to see themselves as others see them, even if the reality is unflattering. It helps us to understand our behaviours and to filter undesirable traits, enhancing patience and perseverance when needed. Silver Sheen Obsidian is a marvellous stone for out-of-body journeys (Astral Travel) as it provides a strong connection between the physical and astral bodies, and assures a safe return of the soul .

silver sheen obsidian
Silver Sheen

Snowflake Obsidian – a black Obsidian with inclusions of small, white, radially clustered crystals of cristobalite that when polished resembles snowflake patterns. Snowflake Obsidian is known as the “stone of purity,” bringing truth and balance to the mind, body, and spirit, allowing us to empower and accept change and transformation in one’s life. It calms and soothes the system, and helps one be more receptive to recognizing unnecessary patterns of negativity, self-defeat, “poor me” victimisation, or unyielding emotional stress. Snowflake Obsidian allows us to see through the darkness of misfortunes and to realign with the light. Allowing us to see sources of support that may have been overlooked or taken for granted, and to find the strength and willingness to change our perceptions for the better. Snowflake Obsidian inspires new ideas to improve a person’s situation, opening new pathways of spiritual thought and connection. It is said to help to increase our psychic ability to recognise meaningful connections leading the way to our higher path. Snowflake Obsidian is not ideal for gazing, but is a great tool allowing total surrender during the meditative state, and can assist us to connect with the world of souls to communicate with lost loved ones. It is excellent for overcoming feelings of loneliness and isolation. Using it in the workplace provides an ongoing cleanser for stagnation, lack of enthusiasm and tensions. This gemstone is an excellent tool for attuning to animal totems and animal allies, and for becoming more sensitive to the subtle flow and movement of energy in the environment.

snowflake obsidian

Mohs Hardness

Gemstone hardness is measured on the Mohs scales. This stone is 5 – 6 on the Mohs scale. For further information please see http://www.geologypage.com/2016/04/mohs-hardness-scale.html


Argentina, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Russia, United States, and many other locations.

Spiritual Healing Properties

The energy of Obsidian is protective, guarding and secure, reminding us to protect ourselves against the harsh words or actions of others or from the stresses and strains of life. It’s good to have around in a working environment where there may be stress. It can also be used as a tool to aid grounding, and for uniting body and spirit, bringing them into harmony and focus. Obsidian cuts through all that is superfluous and brings us right back to the truth of how we are and how the world around us truly is. It may promote deep soul healing and also help connect with past lives.



Zodiac Sign


The following are incompatible stones with Obsidian.

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For in depth information please visit the Gemological Institute of America’s Gem Encyclopedia