Pyrite Gemstone Information


Pyrite is commonly known as “Fool’s Gold” due to its golden colour. The name Pyrite derives from the Greek pyr or pyros, meaning “fire” for its ability to emit sparks when pieces are struck together or against a hard surface. Pyrite was highly prized by the native Indian tribes of the Americas as a healing stone of magic, and was polished into mirrors for gazing and divination. Before the 1800’s, it was favoured as a decorative stone, carved into rosettes, shoe buckles, rings, snuff boxes and other ornaments, and was extremely popular in England during the Victorian Age for its use in jewellery.

Mohs Hardness

Gemstone hardness is measured on the Mohs scales. This stone is 6 – 6.5 on the Mohs scale. For further information please see


Canada, Mexico, Namibia, Peru, Russia and Spain

Gemstone Meaning

Creating a defensive shield against negative energies Pyrite is an unique protector drawing energy in to the aura from the earth.

Spiritual Healing Properties

Pyrite is an excellent stone for students as it inspires creativity and is qualities of ambition, commitment and perseverance. Pyrite is also a stone for manifestation stimulating creative ideas allowing oneself to embrace their potentials.(Source:The Book of Stones)





Zodiac Sign


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For in depth information please visit the Gemological Institute of America’s Gem Encyclopedia