Selenite Gemstone Information


Selenite is a crystal form of Gypsum. It can be clear to satin in appearance and is very soft and therefore easily scratched or damaged and should not be placed in water.

Mohs Hardness

Gemstone hardness is measured on the Mohs scales. This stone is 2 on the Mohs scale. For further information please see


Mexico, South America, USA, Australia and Madagascar

Gemstone Meaning

Selenite is named for Selene, Greek goddess of the Moon because of its moon-like glow. It makes a wonderful protection stone. Place a sphere of this gemstone at the corners of your home to create a peaceful, safe environment that will not be disturbed by outside influences.In addition to the properties of the white variety, Peach Selenite is a transformation stone. It helps to heal old emotional wounds and transforms this negative energy to healing, forgiveness and acceptance. Use the Peach variety to increase self awareness and travel a new path.

Spiritual Healing Properties

This gemstone is thought to bring mental clarity. It is known to unblock stagnant energy and helps you to access angelic guidance instilling a deep sense of peace. To activate dormant abilities from past lives use White Selenite. It has the capacity to take you to the higher realms, which often happens quickly.




Zodiac Sign


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For in depth information please visit the Gemological Institute of America’s Gem Encyclopedia