Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura


The third chakra, Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra represents your core, yourself. and is located in the middle of the abdomen it governs matters regarding personal power. While power can take many forms, the Solar Plexus is concerned with inner and not physical strength.This chakra also controls metabolism and digestion. If you are feeling self-confident and have a strong sense of purpose, are self-motivated, your third Chakra will be open and healthy. If your third chakra is out of balance, you can suffer from low self-esteem, have difficulty making decisions, and may have anger or control issues.The Solar Plexus is one of the most important Chakra’s to take care of. If you don’t have the will or inner strength to deal with the situations life gives you, your other chakra’s will not receive the energetic support they need from the other chakra’s to function and help you either. If you aren’t strong and secure in yourself you will be more easily swayed by others to do things you normally wouldn’t do. Also if you can’t be sure of whom you are (strengths, limitations, beliefs, etc.); you will be in no position to help or heal others. The element is fire governs this Chakra.

Healing and Re-balancing your Solar Plexus Chakra

When you have clear goals, desires, and intentions, you can move forward to achieve them. Each small step you take while honouring the larger intention helps to strengthen your Solar Plexus. If you find you are stuck with a decision or are at a crossroads and aren’t sure which way to go, look to a gut feeling in your solar plexus for guidance. Please try the following: Close your eyes, place your hand over the area slightly above your belly button.
Bring to mind the problem or dilemma.
Noticing how your third Chakra feels when you give it choices regarding the subject you’re struggling with. A sinking or nauseated feeling may tell you that the decision is wrong. If you present your solar plexus with the right choice, you may feel lightness in the area or you may even feel like you can breathe easier. Since the third Chakra governs both digestion and metabolism, it is suggested that you could follow these ideas. Drink beverages at room temperature or slightly warmed; avoid adding ice. Eat about two cupped handfuls of food at every meal to avoid overeating. Take small sips of water while eating, and avoid alcohol, and fruit juice. Drinking a lot while eating tends to dilute the digestive acids, while drinking alcohol tends to give you excess acid. Let your stomach rest between meals. *Disclaimer: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.

Yoga and Chanting

Any yoga pose that brings heat to the area of the Solar Plexus is good for stimulating a sluggish Solar Plexus. Poses such as Boat pose (Navasana), Seated spinal twist (Matsyandrasana) and the Warrior pose. Please take advise from a Yoga specialist before embarking on such an exercise programme. The mantra sound that corresponds to the Sacral Chakra is the sound RAM. By chanting RAM, the vibrations will open and align this Chakra. The colour of this Chakra is Yellow therefore wearing clothes of this colour or having decor or accessories around you will help to balance this chakra. Gemstones for the Solar Plexus Chakra are: Amberis technically not a crystal, Amber is one of the best minerals to use for the Solar Plexus. Its powers of purification easily help physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blockages in this hakra, and the feelings of warmth it gives off support a positive mental attitude. Citrine is excellent for strengthening any mental work you need to do by promoting clarity, focus, and will power. It also provides inspiration for ideas and aides with all academic pursuits. Tiger’s Eye is a fantastic stone for courage and strength. Not only does it help you to overcome fears and persevere through obstacles in your path, but it provides grounding and protection to keep you safe and centered throughout the day. Yellow Calcite has a gentle energy which helps eliminate negative thoughts and self-defeating behaviours. It provides steady support to complete long term goals and projects. Yellow Jasper is a grounding crystal that enhances the strength of the physical body, Yellow Jasper can ease tension within the body and is considered a cleansing and protective stone, it is a tremendous help for travelers. Please see our Gemstone section for products that can assist you with healing and balancing your Solar Plexus Chakra.