Throat Chakra – Vishuddha


The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, is the first of the three spiritual chakras. Located in over the area of the physical throat, it governs the anatomical regions of the thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx.

To be open and aligned in the fifth chakra is to speak, listen, and express yourself from a higher form of communication. Finding the right words to express your thoughts, opinions, wants, needs, or desires can be extremely difficult, especially if you are shy or have trouble finding the right words to describe what you are trying to express. It becomes even more challenging when you consider the impact of tone and inflection; trying to communicate clearly so that you are not misunderstood or do not accidentally hurt someone can be very difficult. However, verbal communication alone is a very limiting view of the Throat Chakra.

The Throat Chakra governs our ability to communicate on a variety of levels; not just the physical, but mental, emotional, and spiritual as well. Communication is between two or more parties so it involves a certain degree of observation and listening (this is why the Throat Chakra also covers the physical ears). Additionally, communication can come in the forms of body language, written words, and symbolism. Overall, communication is a complex process deserving far more attention and respect than it usually receives. It requires thoughtfulness and clarity to choose the words, symbols, or actions which will accurately express the idea you want to convey without misunderstandings. The element corresponding to the fifth chakra is ether or space, and the sense is hearing.

Healing and Re-balancing your Throat Chakra

*Disclaimer: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or health care professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.

Yoga and Chanting

Poses can help to open the Throat Chakra, Camel pose (Ustrasana), Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana), and Plow (Halasana). These poses will stimulate the thyroid and parathyroid glands as well as bring energy to the area of the throat.
Please take advise from a Yoga specialist before embarking on such an exercise programme.
A wonderful way to open this fifth Chakra is by chanting, singing, humming, and reading aloud.The mantra sound for this Chakra is HUM.

The colour of this Chakra is primarily blue but can sometimes be pink therefore wearing clothes of this colour or having decor or accessories around you will help to balance this Chakra.

Gemstones for the Throat Chakra are:


Also considered a crystal for the Third Eye Chakra, Sapphire is wonderful for opening the three upper chakras (Throat, Third Eye, and Crown). In doing so it paves the way for clear and honest communications.

Blue Calcite

This gemstone is more helpful with spiritual communication than others. It slowly opens you up to your higher self so that you can receive insights and inspiration from the higher realms. Blue Lace Agate is quite possibly the best known crystal for the Throat Chakra, Blue Lace Agate improves communication on all levels (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual). Its gentle energy balances the Throat Chakra so you communicate to your best ability when you need it., aquamarine, and turquoise.


Like its name suggests, Aquamarine shares some qualities with water. It is best known for cooling heated emotions and gently clearing energy blockages in the Throat Chakra, but it also encourages truthfulness in all communications (with yourself and others).


Angelite can be used to connect with spirit guides, ones higher self, and guardian angels. It is excellent for enhancing telepathy, psychic awareness, astrology, astral travel, and spirit journeys. Angelite is also excellent for creating a shield of psychic protection and for balancing etheric and physical bodies.


Kyanite has striations on the crystals which represent how Kyanite acts as a roadway connecting the Heart, Throat, and Third Eye Chakras so that energy can flow easily between them. An energy conductor, it aligns the chakras and bolsters inner peace and perseverance.

Please see our Gemstone section for products that can assist you with healing and balancing your Throat Chakra.